December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve | Hello January ♡ "2016"

So 2015 has ended and there was a lot of ups and downs in this year that made us smile and cry! But I hope this year "2016" will be a great year to everyone who's reading this! I just want to wish everyone a happy new year and Hello January.

so You might wonder "and I might too" what have I achieved this year? lets summarise it together?

  • uploaded more posts than 2014 "check"
  • travelled to a different country "check"
  • passed my SAT exam "check"
  • started going to the gym "check"
  • made my first youtube channel "check"
  • made my first ever giveaway "check"
  • made 3 new friends "actually best friends" online "check"
  • started writing my own book "check"
  • achieved what Ive always said impossible and thats all what I have mentioned above! "check"

So yea, it was a great year for me and hopefully this year will be great for me and for you!

December 18, 2015

New Years resolutions "2016" | ♡

So todays post will be just a post that Ive always wanted to make and thats my new years resolution which never works, but hopefully this time it will work with your help my lovely peeps! so lets get started and let me tell you what is "hopefully" happening this year!

  • I would love to reach 10000 views on my blog! which is close to happen"
  • I would love to have atleast 3 huge giveaways! 
  • I would love to travel this winter or summer vacation to a country that I have never been to!
  • I would love to meet a lot of same minded people and be friends with!
  • Get in shape! I know everyone is having the same resolution in getting in shape but I have the full motivation to start working out!
  • become more active
  • start saving money
  • start being more responsible
  • start being more creative
  • face my fears and insecurities
  • Finnish writing my book
  • stop hating myself
  • go to more events
  • go to the movies theater or cinema more
  • stop worrying about what people think of me
  • get a full makeover
  • start dreaming bigger
  • read more youtubers books

so yea thats what I am planing on achieving this year, so lets put our hands together and make this a reality instead of just a dream that will be washed away in 2017! 

                NEVER SAY NEVER!

   Shyma x

Back to blogging


I know that I haven't been posting lately and that I have been "maybe" the worst blogger lately but you know what, school work have been going a lot lately, *Junior problems* but still I will be posting a lot of blog posts in this year "2016". And I am thinking about totally changing my blog "what I meant by that like the way it looks, the content etc. nothing to serious"

Anyways I will be posting a lot of fashion and beauty posts in my blog this year but what Im going to consider are products that everyone could buy! I know not everyone could buy Marc Jacob or Dior etc. makeup products "not talking about my self" but I still want to help as much people as I can! so yea I will be including products which I like and is affordable for everyone to get!

p.s I just noticed that Ive been blogging for almost 1 year and 2 months, and hopefully I will continue blogging even if I became a grandma XP well isn't that fun? your grandchildren get to see what your life was as a teen XD

lots of love,
  Shyma x

October 31, 2015

Hello peeps+ HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

I don't know what I should say now!
 Anyways Hello friends :D how is everyone? doing good? I hope so!
I don't have anything to say, but I think it has been so long since I wrote something here! And I just wanted to say in this silly, short post Happy Halloween!

October 11, 2015

♡ Sweet 16 Birthday Myself ♡

Omg I cant believe that I am 16 right now YAAAAYYY! Im so excited! Ive been waiting for this age for so long! Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to me! Haha I look crazy in this post, but please handle it XP! I love everyone of you my adorable sparkly pandas! If anyone of you would like to wish me a happy birthday "which I'm sure you would" just tweet me on Twitter @mylifeasshyma_x. It will definitely make my day! And I will do send you a tweet on your birthday too! ♡

Lots of love,

August 29, 2015

Last day of summer vacation :(

Good morning,evening or afternoon everybody.

So my 2015 summer vacation has came to an end and I feel so sad about it! I wish it had been longer! Anyways tomorrow is my first day at school after 2 months vacation, and I'm actually not excited about it at all but you know, education comes first and I have to go to school! I'm in the 11th grade, so I still have one more year to go and then I'm finally out of school and into the real world, which is scary to be honest! This summer vacation has been great and lovely! I have seen my whole family which was the most important thing to me and I love every moment I spent it with them! And talking to my best friend was an amazing thing that made my vacation more enjoyable! Anyways I hope the time will pass by as fast as possible "fingers crossed". 
If you have any tips that includes school or even "specific" high school, then don't forget to leave it down below! It might be helpful to me and many others! 

Lots of love,

August 18, 2015

Hello :D & Bye :/

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog, I know I haven't been posting for a while right now, and I'm really sorry! But school is getting closer and closer, and I thought why don't I start my own,new YouTube channel in those 2 remaining weeks before staring my 11th grade at school! which for me sounds as A lot of studies :( so more talk less, I will be focusing on my YouTube channel for the next 2-3 month and I hope that I will still have the time and be able to post more on my blog too "fingers crossed" but anyways, check out my new YouTube channel and please don't judge I'm still a new to the whole world of YouTube"
I hope you have a great day, and see you soon!
lots of love,

August 05, 2015

And the winner is ..... | Giveaway ♡

First, I would love to thank everyone that have joined my giveaway! Yesterday was the last day to enter my 1k Giveaway to win 5 random shops gift cards! I know it might sound a small giveaway to have 5 random shops gift cards! But I thought that I would start it with a small giveaway just to celebrate 1k on Twitter. I promise you that when I reach 3k I would definitly have a huge giveaway! But for the exciting part, do you really want to know who won..... Okay then the winner is
I hope no one is upset, I promise you I have more to give! But for now Sophia you are the Winner! So just dm me on Twitter whenever you recive my email! 
In 48 hours if you didn't reply, then sorry I will have to choice someone else! So hurry up ♡♡♡♡♡

Lots of love,

August 04, 2015

What I ate today Vegan+Diet | Day 2 w/Lynne

Today is my second day of this challenge that I'm doing with my best friend Lynne *check out her channel and blog* which is Being Vegan for a whole week! If you havent checked my first day of being Vegan, don't forget to check it out now! And as the second day goes by lets get started with what I ate today...

BREAKFAST: oatmeal with some strawberries

LUNCH: brown rice with some of my grandmum's sauce that I made sure that is vegan!

SNACK: Apple 🍎

WORKING OUT: going for 1 hour walk with my mum and sister! 

DINNER: green salad "Broccoli+lettuce+scallion" 

Anyways, thanks for reading this post so far and I hope u could check out Lynne's and my links down below! I hope u enjoyed and goodbye! "Kisses"

Lynne links:
Snapchat: itslynnee
Instagram: @itslynnee

My links:
Snapchat: mylifeasshyma_x

Lots of love,

August 03, 2015

What I ate today Vegan+Diet | Day 1 w/Lynne

Hello everyone, Today's post will be a lovely post that I have always wanted to try for so long! Today's post will be a collaboration with my lovely best friend Lynne.. check out her channel and her blog "everything will be listed down below", but for now lets start with this post that will be held for the whole week, as I'm going to do this challenge which is being Vegan for a week! I hope I would be able to post everyday what I eat etc. so here it goes,

BREAKFAST: I didn't have that breakfast, I just drank this dietatea that made me feel fresh!

Add caption

WALKING/RUNNING: 30min-1hour on the Treadmill XD

LUNCH: my lunch was just fried potato with Broccoli "which I didn't take any photos of" Cuz my mum got it from the grocery later! 

SNACK: strawberries "smiling face :D"

WORKING OUT: today im going to my dance class!

DINNER: strawberry yogurt!

Thank you all for checking out my 1 day of being vegan! 

Lynne links:
Snapchat: itslynnee
Instagram: @itslynnee

My links:
Snapchat: mylifeasshyma_x

Lots of love,

July 24, 2015

Best friend w/ Natasha | TAG ♡

Hello everyone, As you could read by the tittle, I'm having a collab post with my best friend Natasha! So if you would like to read what she wrote in her blog, check it out over here! "" Anyways let's start with this lovely post!

1) how and when did you met?
We met on Facebook, and it was one of "my usually" boring days, so I just went on Facebook to meet new people and I met this girl that is amazing, And we instantly became best friends!

2) what's your favourite memory together?
To be honest, I don't have a favourite memory Cuz every single moment I'm talking to her is a favourite memory together! ♡♡

3) describe her in one word?
Perfect! ♡

4) what's one thing you hate about the other person?
She is perfect, I don't hate anything about her! ♡

5) if you could go anywhere together, we're would it be and why?
Their isn't a specific place where I would love to travel to together, she must choice where we should go in our 1st trip together! ♡

6) who takes longer to get ready in the morning? 
She doesn't put any makeup, so you got the answer right? Haha

7) What is your/both favorite food?
We both love Indian food! 

8) what is your best friend’s biggest fear?
Loosing the ones she loves, and swimming!

9) what is one thing your best friend does not know about you?
That I love her more than what she thinks I do!

10) If you were out together, what would your best friend eat?
Never been out together so I don't really know lol! But I'm intersted to know! 

11) What do you most admire about your best friend?
How caring and kind-hearted she is to everyone! 

12) What is the last book your best friend read?
Haha Natasha, do you even read books? Jk! 

13) What is your best friend really bad at?
Literally Nothing! 

14) Is your best friend afraid of the dark?
I don't think so, she is a strong girl! I believe! 

15) has your best friend ever been outside the country?
I don't think so! I wish I could buy her tickets to visit me! But I think she has a lot of more important things to finnish first! 

16) is your best friend a spendthrift, or do they like to save their money?
I think she likes to save her money! We are totally opposite! "Opposites attracts" haha! 

17) Is your best friend allergic to anything? 
Yes, I guess! She told me that she is allergic to chocolates! Which I find pretty insane! Cuz I can't live without chocolates! But yea! 

18) what's the other person's eye color?
Haha like this is the most silliest question! I look into her eyes everyday "in photos"  atleast 1 million times " well that's a lot haha" but they r Blue! & "I'm addicted to them" 

19) is she a heels or a flat person?
OMG definitly a flat person *_*

20) last but not least, from 1-10 how much do you love your best friend? 
Can I say 11? :*

So here my best friend tag goes. I hope you enjoyed reading it and knowing some little things about my long distance best friend! If you think I need to make more collabs with her or anyone else, just let me know by commenting down below! 

Lots of love,
   Shaima  ♡

July 20, 2015

❤️ My first Giveaway ❤️

I love you guys and I want you to know how much I appreciate your support and kindness ❤️ 

RULES ARE DOWN BELOW! ❤ Enter my huge international giveaway 2015 for a chance to win. Also, share this post all over your social media if you're excited! I thought this would be such an awesome and fun thing to do to help show how much you all mean to me and how much I love each and every single one of you! Also, its a way to just celebrate me hitting 1k followers on Twitter! ❤

❀ 1. Add me on +Google ➜
❀ 2. Follow me on Twitter➜ 
❀ 3.Follow me on Instagram➜
❀ Leave a comment telling me what future topics do you want me to talk about or posts you would like to see more of on my blog and where is the best place you have been to!. "You can comment more than once"   
❀ You can ask me questions on Twitter and Instagram using #askshyma and don't forget to mention me so I could see it @Mylifeasshyma_x for new series of Q&A that I'm going to have soon! "this is the one that I'm looking forward too"! *so make sure you ask!*
More Entrance:
❀ follow me on bloglovin➜
❀ This giveaway IS international!
 Giveaway will start on 20th of July "which is today"
❀ Giveaway will end on the 4th of August "so its going to be for about 2 weeks"
❀ I'll be randomly choosing the winners!
❀ I’ll announce the winners on Twitter & on a blog post!! so stay tune! 

P.s if the winner didn't reply on my email in 48 hours, I would be choosing someone else as the winner and a little twist is that u can continue asking me and commenting on here, even after announcing the winner because the winner might not reply In the next 48 hours, so then I'm going to have to choose someone else and that someone might be you!
Lots of love,

July 14, 2015

Welcome to the NewLifestyle blog.

To the new people out here,

First I just would love to say welcome to all of you to my Newlifestyle blog, where I talk about and lifestyle in general. I'm Shaima, a 15 years old girl that started her blog as something to do when she is bored and just not to feel lonely *as that time she didn't have many friends*, But it isn't the reason now, because she got into this thing called blogging and she doesn't know what would she do without it. She also wanted to share her passion towards beauty and fashion with people like her*who have this passion and is like-minded*. And last but not least she just wanted to say that she loves all of you so much and she hopes everyone is having a great day. Just stay smiling, that's the reason behind success. I hope you have fun here in my little space.... Enjoy xx



July 13, 2015

7 Drugstore Beauty Products Under $10

This is the first time I talk about makeup in general. So don't forget to comment down what do you think? Should I do post something like this more often or No? Just let me have your feedback!

Today I'm going to give you the 7 Drugstore beauty products that are ONLY UNDER $10. I know that's exciting right. Lets see what are the products....

1) Stay Matte Pressed Powder by Rimmel London 

2) Dream Bouncy Blush by Maybelline

3) The Nude Matte Eye Shadow Palette by Maybelline
4) Revlon lipstick

5) Covergirl Lash Blast Mascara

6) Jordana BEST Lash Extreme Volumizing Mascara 

7) Wet n Wild Eye shadow

Those are the 7 products I can think about right now so if anyone has more products under $10 don't forget to tell us about it! 


July 12, 2015

20 Things to do when you are bored and home alone

So I've been bored and home alone for quite a lot of times this summer vacation and I've been always wondering what I should do next!
So here are 20 things to do when you are bored and home alone! So yea lets start right now before the sun rise Jk! 

1) makeup and get dressed up like you're going out somewhere *but actually you aren't* 
2) Sing really loud. "No one can hear you,oh maybe your neighbors can" 
3) watch some YouTube videos
4) prank call people "actually your friends will be much more fun"
5) Pretend like there’s a monster in your house and your trying to escape from!
6) Take a really long bath with some lovely,good smelling lush bath bombs 
7) have a long nap!
8) Shop online "best one so far"
9) Try and do everything really quiet, like a ninja
10) Write your autobiography
11) watch your favorite series/shows on the TV
12) cook a romantic meal for yourself! 
13) read a book.
14) talk to your pet in hope that they will reply back
15) Do crafts work/DIY's
16) Give your bed room a mini makeover 
17) you can have a pillow fight with your imaginary friend!
18) stare out the window and rate passengers outfit!
19) Write a letter to someone you miss or you could even write it to yourself! 
20) last but not least you could read some of my posts over here and share your feedback! 

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this kind of post, and if you have any more things that I/we should do while we are home alone, just don't forget to mention it down below!


July 10, 2015

My "H&M" Summer wishlist...

Hello peeps, I know I had to post my summer wishlist before starting the summer but anyways you know how thug life's are XP let's be more realistic and real! So in this post I would love to let you know what are my mini summer "H&M" wishlist! So let's start this.. Ready...Set..Go.





Disclaimer: I haven't been asked nor been sponsored to do this post by H&M. I was just so happy to share my wishlist for this summer with you guys! And share things that I really liked! That's it! But if you want to check the offical page of H&M and get more information About the things I mentioned above, don't forget to check it out on
I hoped you enjoyed it and don't forget to share it "winks" 
