August 29, 2015

Last day of summer vacation :(

Good morning,evening or afternoon everybody.

So my 2015 summer vacation has came to an end and I feel so sad about it! I wish it had been longer! Anyways tomorrow is my first day at school after 2 months vacation, and I'm actually not excited about it at all but you know, education comes first and I have to go to school! I'm in the 11th grade, so I still have one more year to go and then I'm finally out of school and into the real world, which is scary to be honest! This summer vacation has been great and lovely! I have seen my whole family which was the most important thing to me and I love every moment I spent it with them! And talking to my best friend was an amazing thing that made my vacation more enjoyable! Anyways I hope the time will pass by as fast as possible "fingers crossed". 
If you have any tips that includes school or even "specific" high school, then don't forget to leave it down below! It might be helpful to me and many others! 

Lots of love,

August 18, 2015

Hello :D & Bye :/

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog, I know I haven't been posting for a while right now, and I'm really sorry! But school is getting closer and closer, and I thought why don't I start my own,new YouTube channel in those 2 remaining weeks before staring my 11th grade at school! which for me sounds as A lot of studies :( so more talk less, I will be focusing on my YouTube channel for the next 2-3 month and I hope that I will still have the time and be able to post more on my blog too "fingers crossed" but anyways, check out my new YouTube channel and please don't judge I'm still a new to the whole world of YouTube"
I hope you have a great day, and see you soon!
lots of love,

August 05, 2015

And the winner is ..... | Giveaway ♡

First, I would love to thank everyone that have joined my giveaway! Yesterday was the last day to enter my 1k Giveaway to win 5 random shops gift cards! I know it might sound a small giveaway to have 5 random shops gift cards! But I thought that I would start it with a small giveaway just to celebrate 1k on Twitter. I promise you that when I reach 3k I would definitly have a huge giveaway! But for the exciting part, do you really want to know who won..... Okay then the winner is
I hope no one is upset, I promise you I have more to give! But for now Sophia you are the Winner! So just dm me on Twitter whenever you recive my email! 
In 48 hours if you didn't reply, then sorry I will have to choice someone else! So hurry up ♡♡♡♡♡

Lots of love,

August 04, 2015

What I ate today Vegan+Diet | Day 2 w/Lynne

Today is my second day of this challenge that I'm doing with my best friend Lynne *check out her channel and blog* which is Being Vegan for a whole week! If you havent checked my first day of being Vegan, don't forget to check it out now! And as the second day goes by lets get started with what I ate today...

BREAKFAST: oatmeal with some strawberries

LUNCH: brown rice with some of my grandmum's sauce that I made sure that is vegan!

SNACK: Apple 🍎

WORKING OUT: going for 1 hour walk with my mum and sister! 

DINNER: green salad "Broccoli+lettuce+scallion" 

Anyways, thanks for reading this post so far and I hope u could check out Lynne's and my links down below! I hope u enjoyed and goodbye! "Kisses"

Lynne links:
Snapchat: itslynnee
Instagram: @itslynnee

My links:
Snapchat: mylifeasshyma_x

Lots of love,

August 03, 2015

What I ate today Vegan+Diet | Day 1 w/Lynne

Hello everyone, Today's post will be a lovely post that I have always wanted to try for so long! Today's post will be a collaboration with my lovely best friend Lynne.. check out her channel and her blog "everything will be listed down below", but for now lets start with this post that will be held for the whole week, as I'm going to do this challenge which is being Vegan for a week! I hope I would be able to post everyday what I eat etc. so here it goes,

BREAKFAST: I didn't have that breakfast, I just drank this dietatea that made me feel fresh!

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WALKING/RUNNING: 30min-1hour on the Treadmill XD

LUNCH: my lunch was just fried potato with Broccoli "which I didn't take any photos of" Cuz my mum got it from the grocery later! 

SNACK: strawberries "smiling face :D"

WORKING OUT: today im going to my dance class!

DINNER: strawberry yogurt!

Thank you all for checking out my 1 day of being vegan! 

Lynne links:
Snapchat: itslynnee
Instagram: @itslynnee

My links:
Snapchat: mylifeasshyma_x

Lots of love,