May 28, 2016

🌸 What 's in my carry on bag "Traveling edition" 🌸

{Hello my lovely and mysterious ladies}

In today's post I just wanted to share with you guys what I've carried in my bag "when I travelled to Spain". I just wanted this post to be as simple as possible so everyone could get at least an idea of the things that you could carry on in your bag! It's mainly products that you need on the airplane. 
So without further or do, lets start with this amazing,short and simple post.

  1. A bag that I bought from Max, but actually you could buy it at any place. I have found a similar one at Juicy Couture. 
  2. A wallet that I was gifted by my mum. "actually don't know where she got it from"
  3. Deodorant that you can actually find at any supermarket! Nivea is the best to use in my opinion.
  4. Small notebook + pen
  5. Hand sanitizer
  6. Nars Concealer that I actually have a review on my blog. If you haven't checked it out, then you can now Review | Radiant Creamy Concealer by Nars ♡
  7. Lipstick "Colourpop" that I've ordered from an Instagram account. But you can actually get any of your favourite lipsticks and if you are wondering what color is it, its Trap!
  8. Fake nails which I didn't use that much except the first day of the trip cuz actually my nails are longer than the fake nails and it looked hilarious XP
  9. Body mist is a must. To be honest Bath and Body work and The Body Shop has the best body mists ever. You could check them out here The Body Shop Bath And Body Works
  10. Lipbalm
  11. Hair ties
  12. Tissues
  13. Bubblegum
  14. Makeup setting spray/refreshing
  15. Phone, that's one the most important things that you should check of having before leaving your house.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this short post!
Let me know if you are planning on traveling this summer?

Lots of love,

May 23, 2016

🌸 My Skin Care Routine: How I got rid of Acne! 🌸

{Hello my lovely and mysterious ladies}

So on Monday the 16th of May 2016, has reached me out and asked me if I would be interested to blog about my Skin Care Routine. And as some of you might know that I have been suffering with acne for almost 6 years, but thank God not anymore. So in this post I will be telling you the products that I used to reduce my acne with and in general products that I use in everyday use from morning to night.

First thing let me start with a background about my skin. I have an oily,combination skin, and that's actually the type of skin that you need to take more care about because it's the type of skin that acne will appear more on. So without further or do, let's get started.

1) First, I love to remove my makeup or anything that I have on my face using the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, just to have that clean face before proceeding to any other step.

2) Cleansing/scrub is so important to your skin and because of that I use the The Body Shop "HoneyMania Scrub" which makes my skin feels refreshed.

3)  After rinsing and drying my face with a towel, I then use the Janseen Cosmetics Gel Exfoliator, to exfoliate my face with anything remaining from the dirt that the cleansing didn't get well. Some of my friends suggested me to try it.
P.s don't exfoliate your skin everyday. I exfoliate my skin twice a week or even 3 times maximum and that's the best.

4) Face mask is heaven to me. It makes me feel as if I am in a full Spa time when I'm actually not! And because of that I use the GlamGlow face mask, which is the best in my opinion.
p.s this is kinda the sample size.

5) Last but not least, I use The Body Shop "HoneyMania Body butter" that can act like a moisturiser too. Even though some people think that people with oily skin don't have to use moisturiser because their face is already oily, but let me tell you something, after all this scrubbing and exfoliating your skin, don't you think that you need something to moisturise your face with? 

So I would really like to thank for approaching me and asking me to do this post "which I had in mind for a while but had that feeling of NO don't post it" And mostly I hope that I have helped you in anyway! And if you are looking for good skin care products, then don't forget to check out their website for amazing,reviewed products.


Lots of love,


May 11, 2016

Why do I love : My favorite YouTuber? 🌸

{Hello my lovely and mysterious ladies}

I have been thinking a lot lately about "Who's my favourite Youtuber"? 
And after thinking for a while I realised that my favorite YouTuber is Tanya Burr 

You might ask me why her? And my answer will be as simple as this, because whenever I see her I see myself "not physically but the way of her expressing life and wanting to reach goals" 
Her cosmetics and books are just fabulous. Wish I could have them all but unfortunately I don't "sad emoji"

I love how creative she is and inspiring she is to people "specially young girls" and that's what made me say that she is my favorite YouTuber! And I can actually say that I love her! Damn she is hot as a hot chocolate XD isn't she?

And last but not least I just want to say God bless her and her smile XD hopefully one day she would be able to come to Dubai or Abu Dhabi and I would have the chance to meet her personally and have a 1 min chit chat with her "laughs"

Question of the post, Who's your favorite YouTuber? I am actually more than excited to read the answers "winks"

Lots of love,