I actually started blogging at the age of 13 and thought of it as a hobby or to be honest a way to waste my time on when I haven't got anything to do! more likely bored! But now no one does it for a hobby, everyone, well actually not everyone but some people do it for either the fame or money or free products that they receive from companies to review. And actually not all bloggers are honest with their reviews to be honest! But what has this have to do anything with why I started Blogging?
Anyways back to the topic, Well when I decided to start my blog I had been through a lot from bullying to self hate to not being confident with anything that I was in etc. so that gave me the motivation and inspiration to start writing and expressing myself through my online place aka my blog. It actually did work. I can express myself more and I love meeting new people and talking to and actually being myself around them. And that might not sound interesting to you, but to me that's my story and that were my confidence and happiness started and will continue non stop "hopefully".
That's actually all what I have to say about my story behind why I did start blogging. If you're new to the blogging community, first I would like to say, Welcome to such an amazing and loving community and if you need any tip or help from a 3 years to be blogger then here are my social media links and I would be more than happy to share my experience and what you should do and don't when blogging then just let me know if that's something you'd like to read about. Until then I just wanna say take care and see you soon xx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mylifeasshyma
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themysteriousemirati/
Lots of love,
I started my first "blog" very young too! I was only 12 haha! It was so awkward! I only posted my travel photos and talked about my pet in my native language, but then I forgot the password and now it's gone :( Maybe it's good, 'cause no one can find that anymore! :D
I absolutely loved reading this post! I started my blog nearly 4 years ago, although I have deleted the majority of my posts because they were so cringey haha!
ReplyDeleteEmily xo
You should definitely keep at it girl!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really handy post! I hate anxiety! I wish it never existed sometimes!
Isobel x
New post: http://fashionistachic14.blogspot.co.uk/2016/08/fashion-vintage-mod-style-ft-sammy-dress.html?m=1
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/isobelceline/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/isobelceline
New Video: https://youtu.be/lmIAtkoZbFU
Bloglovin : https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/fashionista-chic-12984939
Haha I am such a opiniated person, I love just sharing everything that goes on in my head as well. I can relate to your reason behind blogging, keep at it girl!!!
ReplyDeleteNikki O. | www.herdaringthoughts.blogspot.com
I've only been blogging a year but you can definitely tell when people are just in it for freebies etc! I love your reason for blogging! X