November 12, 2016


I did promise myself in the beginning of 2016 that I would stop body shamming .... MYSELF! But as months passed by I started realising that I'm back to hating my own body! I do always tell myself that,"This is your own body and no one like I mean NO one got the right to define you and your own body! Now a question to everyone reading this post, What's your ideal body type? Curvy? Slim? Tall? Short? Skinny? etc! Well all those are just labels that doesn't define someone! I might be curvy and HATE it but someone else could find it a body type that they would like to have or even be born with. 

Growing up , I was totally comparing myself to other "models, actresses, social-media influencers & singers" and that actually made me unconfident with what I truly have and made me think why am I not that perfect? even though people say "No one is perfect!" But I still thought that they were perfect. I told myself I needed to change just to fit our society beauty standards.

Who cares if my hair went frizzy or my makeup smudges in public? I don't, then why should anyone care? I need to focus more on my future and not what I look like! I need to stop letting what I look like decide my life choices and what I can do and what I can't. I should start telling myself that I can do anything I want to do and my appearance should not be a problem. So let's all spread body love and stop body shamming ourselves, cuz we are all beautiful in our own way. 

P.s You, yes You! You are beautiful in your own,unique way and never let anyone say the opposite <3 

Lots of love,